Are there different types of houses in your country?
Do young people prefer to live in apartments or a detached (private) house? Why?
What is an eco-friendly building?
Does the design of a building affect people’s quality of life?
space is getting pretty scarce in cities: không gian ngày càng chật hẹp ở tp
some forms of criminal deterrence: các hình thức chống tội phạm
prevent burglars to break into apartments: ngăn trộm đột nhập vào căn hộ
the risk of fire is much more prevalent than living in a house: rủi ro xảy ra cháy nhiều hơn so với ở nhà riêng
resource-efficient throughout their life-cycle: sử dụng hiệu quả năng lượng trong vòng đời của chúng
the processes of design, maintenance, renovation, and eventual demolition: quy trình thiết kế, duy trì, tu sửa, và cả dỡ bỏ nhà
power system is generated from renewable energy: nguồn năng lượng lấy từ nhiên liệu tái tạo được
Eco friendly products: các sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường
sustainable design: thiết kế bền vững
building occupants: những người ở chung cư
center (v) xoay quanh vấn đề gì
It’s dark as a tomb: tối như hũ nút
Building for resilience and safety: xây dựng để vững chắc và an toàn
With (the health and safety of occupants) in mind: cần cân nhắc yếu tố gì
activated fire-alarm system: hệ thống báo cháy hoạt động tốt
evacuate people in case of emergency: sơ tán trong trường hợp khẩn cấp
1. Are there different types of houses in your country?
Ok, I’d say that it depends on whether people live in the countryside or cities. In cities, people still live in detached houses. However, there are more and more high-rise buildings being constructed every single day. In the countryside, most people live in detached houses, and this is simply there is more space, and space is getting pretty scarce in cities.
2. Do young people prefer to live in apartments or a detached (private) house? Why?
I think everybody prefers living in a house, and it’s more comfortable, you don’t have to run up and down stairsor have to use the elevatorto get to your apartment. I think if given the choice, people would always choose a house over an apartment.
Apartments: I’d say that security is probably better when you live in a block of flats, Uhm, because it’s common forbuildings to have a security serviceor some forms of criminal deterrence, so yeah, that’s, you know, that will prevent burglars from breaking into apartments. However, thedownside of living in a block of flats is itsrisk of fireis higherthan living in a house.
House: more personal space and privacy.
3. What is an eco-friendly building?
The environmentally-friendly buildingis astructure that is resource-efficient throughout their life-cyclethroughout the processes of design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and eventual demolition.
And it should share common objectivesfor reducing its overall impact on human health and nature. So an eco-friendly building should efficientlymake use ofair, water, and other resources: and its power system is generated from renewable energy like solar power or wind power. By doing this, it can reduce pollution and wasteto the environment.
Eco-friendlyproducts, such as light bulbs, appliances, are installed in this kind of building to save energy.
4. Does the design of a building affect people’s quality of life?
Yes, it absolutely does.
If a building uses sustainable design and high-quality materials for construction, people living in that building can enjoy a better quality of living.
One of the biggest complaint areas from building occupants has centered around lighting. It’s dark as a tomb, some say. Others are blastedby harsh fluorescents. So designers now should know how to utilize more natural lighting.This not only helps save energy, but it also makes for happier, more productive occupants.
Building for resilience and safety: With the health and safety of occupants in mind, building designers also have to cope with natural disasters and threats posed by a changing climate—from rising seas to higher temperatures. And activated fire-alarm system and emergency exits should also be installed in a building to help evacuate peoplein case of emergency.