1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?
2. How can we protect the environment?
3. Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?
4. Is there education about environmental protection at school?
– contribute my help : đóng góp sức mình cho gì
– span the entire country: lan toả ra trên cả đất nước
– reach international communities: lan rộng ra thế giới
– whether it’s something like : cụm này dùng để đưa ra các ví dụ ở phía sau
– running awareness campaigns: tổ chức các chiến dịch tăng cường nhận thức
– when not in use: khi ko sử dụng
– live a green lifestyle = live a much greener and more ecofriendly life: sống xanh
– an individual and personal responsibility for all human beings to V: trách nhiệm của mỗi cá nhân là phải làm gì
– be to blame for : có lỗi về việc gì
– consuming local and seasonal products: chỉ mua các sản phẩm địa phương và theo mùa
– handing over simple responsibilities: giao cho trẻ em những trách nhiệm nho nhỏ
Well, I would. If I can work in a company whose mission is to safeguard the natural environment, I can contribute my help and make a big difference as the number of people I affect can span the entire country or even reach international communities. I can use a range of strategies to conserve the environment, whether it’s something like starting some environmental conservation projects in the community, or running online awareness campaigns, to offering practical help like clean-ups.
2. How
can we protect the
There are many ways that we can do to save our planet. First off, we can reduce our carbon footprint right from our homes, whether it’s something small like turning off electronic equipment when not in use, or taking a shower instead of a bath, to reducing plastic consumption. Besides, we should try to live a green lifestyle, like by shopping locally, consuming less meat, or riding or using public transportation for commute rather than cars, that sort of thing.
3. Do you
think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?
Yes I do. I’ve learned for the past couple of years that environmental protection is an individual responsibility for all human beings since we are to blame for the eco-system destruction. So I try to reduce my carbon footprint as much as I can in my daily life, like saving water and energy, riding to work, consuming local and seasonal products, and volunteering for environment conservation programs in my local community.
4. Is
there education about environmental protection at school?
think there is now. Right from primary schools, students are taught about the paramount
importance of environment conservation and practical ways and small actions that they can take to help save the planet. By teaching them those simple things, and handing over simple
responsibilities, I think they are now more
aware to live a much greener and more ecofriendly life.
Vui lòng đăng nhập trước khi sử dụng tính năng này!